Welcome to Userwell!

Thank you for stopping by! We are delighted to welcome you to our blog! It’s time for us to introduce ourselves and what we do. So, let’s talk about how we want to help your product feedback management!

Product management for us is something personal, so we would like to introduce ourselves and tell you how building a product feedback management tool for ourselves evolved into the software we have today. We want to show you how userwell came to be and how we want to change the world. Okay, maybe not the world, but why not think big.

What we actually want to change is the way you collect, manage and prioritize your product feedback. But if we can help you build products that your users love, maybe you’ll be the ones changing the game!

So… who are we?

We are userwell. That may mean not much to you now, but that’s what this article is here for! We are an efficient (which is just a nice way of saying small) and dynamic young team of people with backgrounds in business, product, and software development, as well as marketing and customer consultancy.

We believe that the customer’s voice is the most valuable source for innovation. Unlike some other tools in this field though, we didn’t have the problem that our user feedback and ideas weren’t heard - we actually had a seat on the other side of the table. With years of experience in product development and successfully growing SaaS companies, we want to bring our expertise from the business side to the conversation.

We found that there are only two scenarios when it comes to product feedback – either you get too little or too much feedback. And both for themselves are a problem, but what if you further have no effective way to gather the feedback you get in one place? Even if you manage to collect all your feedback in one tool, what then? How do you know what feedback is critical, which ideas are just a nice-to-have and which ones are rentable?

You see, those are the problems that started to accumulate for us, so we decided to finally do something about them. It was a long way from building a tool solely for our own usage to enabling others to collect customer-centric insights and improving upon them.

But here we are now! And very happy to be so! Countless coffees and mates later we can proudly present to you what userwell is and what we stand for! So, let’s take a closer look!

What is userwell?

We did our research! An improved, well-functioning product management can lead up to an estimated increase of 34,2 percent in profit. Also, one out of five products fails to meet the need of their users.

We want to change that. 

In a nutshell userwell lets you collect insights about what customers want. It helps in making the right decisions regarding product improvements based on transparent and traceable data

This means we provide you an easy way to gather and collect evaluable feedback from your users all in one dedicated place. You can cut down on time spent on product strategy, engaging with customers, planning and maintaining roadmaps, and researching market and competition by implementing userwell in your already existing workflow. 

With userwell, you no longer need to fear biases in product planning. Justify planned features and improvements to stakeholders with traceable feedback from your users. Therefore, stakeholders who might be clouding the vision can be confronted with evidence of what users really want.

A big part of our product is the prioritization of ideas and customer segmentation by metadata from various channels. This makes it possible to make not only the right but also rentable decision regarding the implementation of feedback.

At this point, our product is still in an early stage of development. We have already spoken to countless product managers about the problems they face regarding feedback management and we will definitely not stop there. So, if there is anything you would like to share with us regarding userwell, we are happy to listen. After all, we want to practice what we preach!

What do we stand for?

We want to help companies be the best version of themselves for their customers. We know how important user feedback can be for this process and therefore, want to provide the best software for companies that also believe in customer-centric feedback. That, of course, means that we ourselves seek improvement by listening to our customers. How else can we shape a product, that our users fall in love with? 

So, thank you for stopping by! We are thrilled to go on this journey of supporting you in changing the game, together!


userwell team

Andreas, Clemens, Elisabeth & Lukas